
Pellenc Expand R5090: picking olives a little differently

Pellenc Expand R5090

Harvesting olives is, in addition to the traditional culling and harvesting, another activity where hardworking hands are welcome. With the smart use of modern technology and innovations, we can modernize and, above all, speed up the harvesting process.

Pellenc is a company that deals with agricultural machinery and although they are technological experts for vineyards, they have also tackled the process harvesting olive. Innovative technology makes it possible 25% faster harvesting olives, and in addition, with the presented process, we harvest just 99% of fruit on the tree. The technology is represented by a stretchable tarpaulin Pellenc R5090, with which 'catch' fallen fruits and quickly put them away without much difficulty collector.

The work would be difficult to do without a 'helper' Buggy 5000, who with his mobile hand it shakes trees and thus makes our work easier. In a single day, in this way, we can harvest up to 1,200 trees, which will come in handy especially for those with large olive groves and, of course, those with large fruit tree plantations. They will still be more suitable for smaller plantations hardworking hands and that way we don't have to worry that the fun gathering while picking olives or some other fruits of nature would end just like that.

Pellenc Buggy 5000
Pellenc Buggy 5000

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