
Pemba Island: a secret island paradise off the coast of Tanzania

Emerald Bay resort / Photo: booking.com

Secluded beaches and an endless turquoise sea - it's no wonder that celebrities want to keep this paradise not far from the coast of Tanzania to themselves.

Many people call it "Zanzibar 50 years ago", because the neighboring island is Zanzibar, popular with tourists, but in recent years it has turned into a real tourist circus with large resorts and hotel chains.

Unlike him, Pemba remains part of the African idyll, as the rhythm of life here is still dictated by fishing, sunsets and farming. The hilly and green islet is part of the Zanzibar "Spice islands" archipelago, and because of its lush greenery, it got its name, which translates as "green island".

Its lush surface is dotted with gifts of nature, fruit trees, green public fields and spices.

When to Pemba?

The best times to holiday on the island are the cool and dry months from July to October, which are usually marked by moderate weather conditions. You can also visit the island in January and February, but be prepared for hellish heat.

Photo: Unsplash/Olga Budko

What should I see in Pemba?

In the lush forest, you are greeted by monkeys and flying foxes navigating the trees, while duikers (a relative of the antelope) graze beneath them. But it is the hot breeze, permanently infused with the smell of drying cloves and salt, that is indelibly etched in the memory of visitors. This and the paradise's deserted beaches, where the sea horizon is interrupted only by a small wooden boat from time to time.

Even the accommodations on the island are embedded in the dense vegetation that borders the beaches and combs the fertile hills. Thanks to the locals, Pemba remains a destination where you can still experience authentic nature and hospitality. That is why you will look in vain for stylish apartments that would attract crowds of tourists. Therefore, the presence on the island attracts a lot of celebrities.

Photo: Unsplash/Mathias Katz

A big part of Pemba's appeal is that it is surrounded by beautiful coral reefs and a vibrant underwater world. So you too can join the rich and famous and marvel at the turtles and colorful underwater inhabitants as the golden sun breaks through the bath-warm water surface and brings the coral-strewn sea to life.

Pemba Island's remoteness from the mainland is credited with protecting tropical waters and reefs, and provides divers with a privileged glimpse of pre-human marine life. It's no different on land either, take a peek at the Ngezi Forest Reserve or the pristine sandy beach of Vumawimbi.

Pemba has a multifaceted, complex history. Among the dense forests and lush, rolling countryside lie various tombs and the ruins of mosques that bear witness to Arab occupation and sultanate rule from the 17th century. The ruins of Ras Mkumbuu, located in the Chake Chake district near the village of Ndagoni, include an 11th century mosque and a series of magnificent tombs.

Those who know the island well advise that you first visit the Pemba Museum, an 18th-century Omani fort believed to have been built on the remains of a 16th-century Portuguese garrison.

Both Pemba and Zanzibar have long been centers of so-called voodoo rituals and continue to attract those seeking alternative treatments for physical or mental ailments or a transcendent form of enlightenment that Western culture cannot offer.

These traditions, along with the distinctive smell of cloves, sultanic lore, ethereal pools of light dotting ancient forests and sand-strewn beaches, give Pemba an air of mystery and charm.

Photo: Unsplash/Mariola Grobelska

How to explore Pemba?

The best way is to rent a scooter and ride it between the beaches and the sights.

How much is a plane ticket to Pemba?

You can fly from Budapest to Zanzibar from 458 euros. Zanzibar and Pemba are connected by a ferry line or air flights. You can search for flight tickets according to your vacation date HERE.

Photo: Unsplash/Rafal Jedrzejek

Accommodation in Pemba

Pemba Eco Lodge

Pemba Lodge is an eco-friendly resort that offers bungalows made from natural local materials. The bungalows are located on a large green property, with direct access to the sandy beach. Guests can dine in the restaurant, which serves fresh organic dishes made with wild seafood and vegetables from the garden.

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