
People born under these signs never show emotion

Photo: Vladislav Nahorny / Unsplash

Some people appear cold and reserved, but that doesn't mean they are callous.

Their feelings are probably so deep that they have built impenetrable walls around themselves to protect themselves. It is not easy to gain their trust, so it is difficult for them to establish quality relations with the environment.

Let's see which astrological signs almost never show emotions:


Capricorns are focused on a goal that requires great commitment. Nothing can stop them on their way to the top, so they see emotions as a weakness, something that bothers them. To protect themselves from others, they have built a wall around themselves that makes them appear cold and unfeeling. The lucky few who trust them eventually realize that beneath the icy exterior lies a warm and loyal heart.

Cold on the outside, but warm on the inside. Photo: Karolina Marsalkova / Unsplash


Aquarians are charming, friendly and love people. Although they have many friends, they don't have those real friends. In their relationships with people, they usually keep their distance because this is their defense mechanism against anyone getting too close to them. Aquarians are afraid of intimacy because that's when they are vulnerable and feel out of control. Because of this, they don't like to show their emotions, so people see them as distant and cold.

They would rather suffer than trust others. Photo: Ardalan Hamedani / Unsplash


Scorpios are the most mysterious sign of the zodiac, difficult to understand, but under their cold face hides a volcano of emotions. They never show their emotions, so often even those closest to them do not know what they are going through. Scorpios have strong emotions and an extremely rich inner world, so they don't want to risk being hurt. It is easier for them to pretend than to show their emotions.

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