
People fear you, but respect you immensely: 6 signs that you are an incredibly deep person

It makes others feel awe of you!

Here are six signs that you are incredibly deep person.

You wear your feelings on the palm of your hand

You are incredibly open to other people. You don't embellish how you feel and are often humorously direct. You don't really care if anyone knows how you feel.

You are passionate

Admit it, there are some things you don't feel passionate about. Either you feel an absolute passion for something… or you just don't care. There is no middle ground. When you find your passion, you pursue it endlessly. And with that in mind…

When you find your passion, fight endlessly for it.
When you find your passion, you pursue it endlessly.

There are no limits when you fight

When you make up your mind about someone or something, you fight to the end.

Speak concisely and with conviction

Never say anything you don't mean. You are articulate, but more importantly, your words carry weight. You definitely believe in what you're saying

You are sincere

When you say something, you mean it, either positively or negatively.

When you say something, you mean it, whether positive or negative.
When you say something, you mean it, either positively or negatively.

You want a meaningful conversation

You do not like conversations without real meaning. Conversations about the weather or recent sports events do not suit you. You want an in-depth conversation, you don't want to waste valuable time and energy with superficial and boring conversation. Politics, philosophy, these are the topics we would discuss.

Did you recognize yourself or maybe you know someone like that? Then now is the time to thank all those rare individuals in your life who listened to you without judgment, talked to you without prejudice, helped you without ulterior motives, and loved you unconditionally!

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