
People from all over the world explain how they recognize siblings

Vacation time is approaching, when we will most likely manage to catch one of 'ours' while escaping somewhere abroad. Watch a fun video where 70 people from different countries explain how they recognize their siblings. How would you recognize a Slovenian somewhere abroad?

New episode of the web series Many People From Many Countriess, which is being prepared at Condé Nast Traveler, features 70 people revealing, how they recognize their siblings. And believe it or not, they mostly are stereotypes, which apply to different nations anyway.
Sibling identification is thus based on how they hold themselves, how they walk, how loud they are, what their facial expressions and facial features are, what their gestures are, hair color, eye shape, what they are wearing, what their accent is, slang, how they greet each other and how much they can drink. This handy guide will tell you how to tell if someone is from France, Russia, Germany, Japan, China, Italy, Spain and other countries.

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