
People share bad stock photos of their professions... and they are really bad

There is something about "stock" photos - as soon as you see them, you recognize that this is the type of photo. When you see these "stock" photos of different professions, you will hold your head.

Stock photographs are such that you immediately recognize them, as they combine all the elements that indicate that it is a licensed photograph intended for sale.

In terms of content, the authors try to capture different things in such photographs themes, ideas, concepts and scenarios, so their work is made more difficult, as such products are often created, which you can only laugh at.

Because of the very bad ones stock of photographs of professions was created #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob, which is a funny collection photos of various professions, on which "experts in their field" at all they don't know what they are doing.

Here they are stock photos of professions that will make you smile.

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