Love overcomes even strong obstacles in people.
They didn't decide to be that way. They had no say in when a parent left them...or when their best friend betrayed them...or when the love of their life cheated on them. They did not choose this story, but had to deal with it without any guidance, without prior experience and without guarantees that it would not happen again.
People with trust issues are hard to love because they always think others will abandon them. That eventually they will be left alone. That everything they shared with someone will instantly turn into a pile of memories.
They are used to being alone. They don't let people in. They keep them at a safe distance, because they don't really know how to let them into their lives. They do not believe their words or promises. They figure it's only a matter of time before they change their mind. They have heard and experienced all this before. They know that hearts change and people eventually leave.
People who have trust issues are not closed in on themselves. They are looking for a certain security and reassurance that not many people can provide. They are constantly testing people's limits to see if they are ready to be in a long-term relationship with them, or if they are just temporary visitors. Their minds are programmed not to believe people who come and drive them away. They always look beneath the surface for more answers and question intentions because the last time they trusted someone they were disappointed.
People with trust issues are hard to love because they don't really know how to silence their skeptical thoughts. They don't know how to calm an anxious heart or how to simply live in the present moment. They always expect a fallout, a breakup, lies, or the day it all ends. They know this all too well. Everything they brought from the past is proof of why people shouldn't be trusted.
People who have trust issues are hard to love. But once they trust you and feel safe, they will pour all their love and emotions on you. They will be loyal, sincere, generous, kind, caring. They will fight for you like no one else. They will always stand by your side through stormy and difficult times. They will never leave because they know what it's like to be dumped and they know how it would feel to be lied to.
You will never question their intentions or their love because the truth is that these people crave love and are willing to do whatever it takes to make the relationship work.
The mask they put on, the walls they build around themselves, are just a way to protect themselves from deception, lies. Deep down they are soft and their hearts melt when they trust and feel safe.