
Pepček: do you still remember how to play Pepček?

Photo: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

There is nothing better for children than an afternoon spent in the company of friends. If you want to take care of their sports activities at that time, we suggest that you introduce them to the old children's game Pepček, which is completely simple and you only need a ball for it. We have prepared instructions for the game Pepček for you.

Pepček is an old children's game that has brought many to many good memories. The instructions for it are complete simple and there is no doubt that they will be in it enjoyed your children too. The game is especially suitable for children from the age of 4, for which you will need at least 3 players.

Photo: Zaid Issaac / Pexels

How to play Pepček?

All you need to play Pepček are: soft ball and larger playing area.
First, let the children with help counting sheets determine which of them will step into the role "belly". If there are many players, they then stand in circle, but if there are only three, each of the players who were not chosen as "pepčka" is placed on your side of the field. They should stand facing each other against each other, and the "bump" is placed to the middle.
The players then start pass the ball, and "pepček" tries it to catch. When he succeeds, he does switch with that child who is a ball threw.

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