
Petly, a minimalist automatic food dispenser for your pets

Pet owners with more discriminating tastes often find themselves in a dilemma when they buy practical, but to their taste, ugly devices for the well-being of their animals. The Japanese company RINN's has designed a minimalist Petly automatic food dispenser that will make your pets happy and you at the same time, as it will seamlessly integrate into your interior.

Basic information
The price

A minimalist automatic food dispenser Petly is an unusually attractive and aesthetically perfect accessory that he designed Naoto Fukasawa, which some already know from his Roolen humidifier. Naoto also made sure at Petly that the device fits even small living spaces, and the fact that it works on a battery means that you can place it anywhere in the apartment.


LED screen controls animal feeding schedule, but at the same time prevents animals from accidentally changing settings. Once programmed, Petly shares healthy 5 grams of food at a time, can also up to ten times a day (the total capacity of the device is 1 kilogram). In this way your animals eat healthier and control their weight more easily.

READ MORE: Holiday trailers for your furry dogs

Pets will probably take some time to get used to Petly's presence, but he will quickly win over them and you, as he is a welcome, useful and aesthetic addition to any household.

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