
Photography exhibition "Secession Ljubljana and Maks Fabiani" in Tivoli

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the architect Maks Fabiani, 116 photographs by Miran Kambič are exhibited at the Jakopič Promenade in Tivoli. The renowned photographer captured the art nouveau architectural heritage of our capital. The photography exhibition is on display until May 15, 2015.

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Ljubljana, Tivoli Park
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

Until the middle of May, a photography exhibition is on display at the Jakopič promenade in Ljubljana's Tivoli Park "Art Nouveau Ljubljana and Maks Fabiani". It is the first in a series of events that will mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of architect Max Fabiani this year.

READ MORE: Painting in Normandy: French Impressionists in Ljubljana's National Gallery

The author of 116 photographs, which are on display for walkers, is a renowned architectural photographer Miran Kambic. The videos show the art nouveau architectural heritage of Ljubljana and thus show in a rounded way the legacy of the great architect of art "art nouveau", which, in addition to Ljubljana, also left its mark on Vienna, Gorica and Trieste.

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