
PhotoMath: An app that will solve math puzzles for you is a double-edged sword

Need a little help with your next math test or exam? MicroBlink has an app that will help you learn or study math effectively - maybe a little too effectively.

Application PhotoMath uses smartphone camera to scan a math equation. He not only saves you, but also shows the procedure rescue.

The purpose of the app is to save you some of the time you would have spent browsing through the textbook and to use it to check the answers while doing homework or studying for a test. There is a fear that with this neglected learning - just because it shows you how to solve a problem, it doesn't mean that the knowledge will just magically pop into your head. And if teachers don't confiscate phones at the door, unscrupulous pupils and students will be able to cheat quickly. The probability that this will happen is not dangerously high, but applications like this are a warning about what teachers should pay attention to in the future.

READ MORE: 8 useful mobile apps that will make your life easier

Applications are available for iOS and Windows Phone, and will be available for Android in early 2015.

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