
Photos taken at the right moment

A unique photo taken at just the right time.

Photos taken at just the right moment can be the result of planned preparation or sheer coincidence. Namely, during the search for the ideal moment that will make the photo something special, often not only knowledge and technique are at play, because in addition to your knowledge, instinct and finger on the trigger, there is also some luck involved. We have collected a bunch of such unique "snaps" in the photo gallery.

Photos always put us in a good mood at just the right moment, because they stand out in one way or another, and often have a pinch of humor in them. A case of unique recordings, where "timing" must match, as it covers, distance and many other things. Sometimes we just get lucky, and other times it wouldn't have worked without preliminary preparations.

READ MORE: The best photos taken with the iPhone 6 smartphone

So take a look at the series of photos that were taken at the right time in the right place.

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