
You've been eating pineapple wrong all your life

Think you're eating pineapple correctly? Um, think again!

Social media literally they are burning, as they were inundated with videos showing that you can eat pineapple in a different way, which does not require strange maneuvers with a knife.

The recording was initially available on an online platform TikTok, later shared by Twitter user Dennis Naghizadeh. In a few days, he almost watched it 20 million people, who have been wondering if they really are all their lives lived in delusion.

As you can see in the video, you should eat the pineapple so that from the fruit you tear it into small pieces. Yes, ridiculously simple! The internet was completely blown away by this revolutionary solution, so various users checked it out eating this fruit is really that simple.

This viral video is just one more reason why you should quickly to the store to get a pineapple. Try the new method and trust us if you succeeded. If you have a few pieces left, don't throw them away, but rather make a pineapple mask to get rid of them skin abnormalities, especially black circles around the eyes.

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