Pizza ATM is a pizza vending machine that works on the principle of an ATM - you "withdraw" a pizza. Hence the name - Pizza ATM (Automated Teller Machine or cash machine). The first picomat of its kind, which was installed at Xavier University in the USA, bakes a pizza with a diameter of 12 centimeters in just three minutes.
Pizza vending machine Pizza ATM (Paline) can sleep up to 300 pizzas, which means it will be on private Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) could feed a lot of mouths a day because we know that pizza is extremely popular among college students. But now it will probably be even more, given that it will be accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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This type of machine is also suitable for catering establishments, who in this way can sell their pizzas outside of working hours at no additional cost. It is located in the picomat (in a special freezer). 70 fresh pizzas with a diameter of 12 centimeters. When you choose your candidate, the machine sends her into the oven and after three minutes a freshly baked pizza comes out, packed in a box. You will have to pay for the pizza 10 US dollars or 9 euros. It's not exactly student fare, so it's fresh pizza for you always available. And without waiting.
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