
Plastic reflection - an installation that knocks on our conscience

Kinetic installation Plastic reflection

Plastic reflection is an interactive kinetic installation by Thijs Biersteker that draws attention to the amount of waste that we humans create, much of which ends up in the oceans every year. The individual stands in front of the installation, which offers a reflection made of plastic particles instead of a classic reflection, thereby knocking on his conscience.

Plastic reflection is an installation that provides reflection from plastic particles. With that knocks on the conscience of the individual, to think about the amount of waste he produces and what he could change to create less of this waste and thereby reduce his environmental footprint.

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A kinetic installation they ordered from the foundation Soup Foundation and De Persgroep, and he made it Thijs Biersteker. It uses 601 piece of plastic, collected in different oceans, which with the help of hundreds of motorbikes and motion sensors they imitate the movement of an individual.

Instead of a classic reflection, this one is drawn with pieces of plastic.
Instead of a classic reflection, this one is drawn with pieces of plastic.

The installation is currently on display in an Amsterdam gallery ADCN.

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