
POOP - Something you'll want in your home

Photo: iRobot
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Having a pet brings priceless moments of joy and fun, but sometimes there can also be unpleasant surprises in the form of unwanted "gifts" that pets may leave around your room every now and then.

Robot vacuum cleaners often miss these surprises and thus create a considerable mess in the apartment. There is a solution that changes the way to deal with this challenge: POOP - the intelligent iRobot system integrated into the robot vacuum cleaner Roomba Combo™ j9+*, is created specifically to avoid such situations.

Photo: iRobot

POOP - Pet Owner Official Promise

Users of iRobot smart vacuum cleaners are constantly sharing feedback on the performance of their smart cleaners. Based on their feedback, it became apparent that one of their key needs was not being addressed – and so POOP technology was born

POOP means ensuring that your iRobot robot vacuum will avoid animal droppings and focus on its work. But if, by some strange coincidence, the vacuum cleaner somehow misses the mark and has a close encounter with your pet's excrement, you are guaranteed a new robot vacuum cleaner.
POOP is iRobot's trusted commitment to ensure you can always count on worry-free use of your robot.

Photo: iRobot

How does the Roomba Combo™ j9+ work in conjunction with the POOP system?

Roomba Combo™ j9+ je revolucionarni robotski sesalnik, opremljen z najnovejšo tehnologijo umetne inteligence. Ovire, kot so kabli, nogavice in podobni predmeti, tega robotskega sesalnika ne ovirajo na njegovi misiji – da učinkovito dokonča svoje delo, saj sesalnik uporablja napredno navigacijo. Ta pametna naprava uporablja več senzorsko tehnologijo in algoritme globokega učenja, da prepozna iztrebke hišnih ljubljenčkov ter jih loči od preostalih predmetov, s katerimi se srečuje med samim čiščenjem tal. S P.O.O.P. sistemom je ta inteligentni sesalnik še bolj natančen in učinkovit.

Ena izmed največjih prednosti sistema P.O.O.P., ki ga omogoča Roomba Combo™ j9+, je ta, da se končno lahko osredotočite na uživanje v družbi svojih hišnih ljubljenčkov, ne da bi se morali obremenjevati z zapleti pri nepravilnemu čiščenju njihovih iztrebkov. Pametni sistem P.O.O.P. prinaša rešitev za mirno in čisto sobivanje z vašimi štirinožnimi prijatelji.

Smart navigation and easy emptying

Roomba Combo™ j9+ he doesn't like confusion - he finds himself in even the most chaotic situations. Smart navigation technology allows it to navigate through different spaces, avoid obstacles such as furniture and carpets, and complete its task thoroughly. You can control where your Roomba can and can't go by easily setting up restrictions via an app on your mobile phone.

Vaš dom bo s čiščenjem, ki ga omogoča robotski sesalnik Roomba Combo™ j9+, urejen kot iz škatlice. Njegova napredna funkcija SmartScrub, pa bo poskrbela tudi za območja z najbolj trdovratnimi madeži ter se jim posvetila z intenzivnim drgnjenjem.

POOP – Trust and cleanliness

Pametni sistem P.O.O.P. (Pet Owner Official Promise) v kombinaciji z Roomba Combo™ j9+, je zagotovilo za brezhibno čistočo. Z njegovo pomočjo boste lahko brezskrbno uživali, ne glede na morebitne nezgode vaših kosmatih prijateljev – P.O.O.P. in Roomba Combo™ j9+ sta nepogrešljiva sopotnika čistega in mirnega vsakdana vseh lastnikov hišnih ljubljenčkov.

*The technology is included in all j series robots (Roomba j9/j9+, Roomba j7/j7+, Roomba Combo j5/j5+, Roomba Combo j7/j7+ and Roomba Combo j9+).

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