
Popsi: Slovenian handmade ice cream lights

Have you ever noticed that cute blue trolley from behind which the friendly staff offers you lights? Not just any light. Popsi lights, Slovenian handmade lights from the highest quality ingredients. Next time, stop by and give it a try, you'll be impressed. If you can't catch a cart, look for them in some bars, such as the Central Station in the center of Ljubljana, Mestna kavarna in Mengš, Cuba Libre in Domžale and already this week Lars & Sven in Rudnik.

Pops they are handmade ice cream lights with great flavors and carefully selected ingredients, suitable for both children and adults. Seasonal fruit comes from of the surrounding growers, because they want to Neža Mlakar and Karmen Meze, the girls behind 'summer on a stick', offer only the best quality. It is only used completely fresh fruit, I shine no preservatives or artificial colors are added. Most fruit lights are no added sugar. This means that the fruit is first frozen when the Popsi is made. It is preserved by quick freezing maximum flavor and nutrients.


Neža Mlakar and Karmen Meze are responsible for Popsi.
Neža Mlakar and Karmen Meze are responsible for Popsi.

Find yourself in the offerabout Popsi Proteinka, Ta' sladka Popsi (chocolate), Popsi Mojito, Popsi Juice Vodka, Popsi Tropika (pineapple & kiwi), Popsi Resistance (ginger, lemon & honey), Popsi Kava and Pop Mango.

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