
Porsche 988 Vision: a concept that makes our wildest dreams come true

Porsche 988 Vision

There are rumors that Porsche plans to embark on a project in which a mid-engined car will play a leading role. If the final design is at least somewhat similar to the ideas of independent up-and-coming designers, the Porsche 988 Vision will surely become a hit.

Porsche in the world of cars, s centrally mounted engine, we don't meet very often. This is not even surprising, because their models 911, GT2 and GT3 RS they still do a good job, despite the fact that they have an engine in butt. But precisely because of the engine, designers cannot afford such bold and seductive lines as can be found in hypercars. Until this moment, of course, when you are a designer Colorsponge and Invisiv conceived the study Porsche 988 Vision. It has everything you would expect from a hypercar. The front fenders, the aerodynamic cabin and the lights, which blend in with the overall image, are on display. Traditional mirrors have been replaced cameras, thereby making 988 even more so futuristic.

Gallery: Porsche 988 Vision

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More information:
behance.net and porsche.si

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