
Porsche x Boeing: Porsches will fly!

Electric flying "car"

Engineers from Porsche and Boeing are already developing the first prototypes for electric flying cars.

Many people cannot imagine everyday life without their own car. Something that less than 100 years ago was considered a luxury, if not an unimaginable vision of the future. What is she like? today's vision of the mobile future? Electric cars are already slowly taking over the market, but companies Porsche and Boeing they ripen even longer. In the period when we will drive to work with smaller electric planes. There should be a market for such things favorable already in 2025.

Electric flying "car"
Electric flying "car"

At the moment, the idea is still in the concept phase, but the two companies are serious. They are already underway careful analyzes of the potential market for such aircraft. The engineers of both companies have already put their heads together and they are developing the first prototypes. We have already heard about similar attempts to make smaller futuristic planes for commercial use, but perhaps Porsche and Boeing, with their sense of precision manufacturing, style and innovation, will convince people that this really is the real future of personal transport.

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