
Potato holidays 2019: 5 destinations for anyone going on a last-minute holiday

If you are one of those who will decide on a potato holiday "last minute", see which 5 destinations we recommend for a potato holiday 2019.

Even at the last minute, you can go to extraordinary places that will provide you a dose of relaxation and you inspired with new ideas.

Our pick of 5 destinations includes places as judged by the editors that are close enough to get there by car or train, while still providing sweet surprises that fill the heart. So where to potato holiday 2019?

Last minute potato holidays 2019:

Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy

Romantic Venice has indeed become transit airport and for some individuals also a place for shopping, but they offer much more than that - if you're an artistic soul and interested in the sights/stories of the city, of which there are plenty, then Venice is an excellent choice for potato holidays 2019.

St. Mark's Square is a meeting point of attractions where it is hard to miss Doge's Palace, bell tower and the basilica of Saint Mark ... A walk through the city will lead you to the famous Grand Canal, is also located nearby Bridge of Sighs, over which convicts were once led from the Doge's Palace to neighboring prisons.

Vienna, Austria

Vienna, Austria
Vienna, Austria

This year too, Vienna won the award for the best place to live in the world – so this is a great opportunity to visit cities imbued with the spirit of history.

You cannot imagine a visit to the Austrian capital without wandering around Schönbrunn Palace and Gardens on your own or as part of a guided tour, which may even be a better option for those who have never been to the capital. Don't forget about Hofburg Palace, the famous town hall, Vienna State Opera, Belvedere Palace, Prater Park, children's museum ZOOM Kindermuseum

Opatija, Croatia

Opatija, Croatia
Opatija, Croatia

Some call it the queen of the Adriatic, because it offers beauty, entertainment and relaxed moments. The journey there will be short, as Opatija is only 30 minutes away from the border. The city where Croatian tourism was born and was "discovered" by the Austro-Hungarian elite has rich history and culture, offers many beautiful parks and recreation centers.

Above all, the monument deserves your attention Girl with a seagull, walking path Lungomare, a tourist resort Volosko, Villa and park Angiolina

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo is a popular New Year's destination, but you won't regret it if you go there this year potato holiday 2019. There is no better place to start wandering around the city than at Baščaršija, where they smell delicious traditional delicacies that you will have a hard time resisting them.

After filling your tummy, we suggest you take a look Vijećnica National Library, which has a strong history and significance for the people there. Walk around the old town it will conjure you to the core what the culture is like there, Sarajevo tunnel and what life was like for the locals during the siege of Sarajevo in 1993.

Don't forget to go to the source of the river Bosna The spring of Bosnia, which is just right for disconnecting from the hustle and bustle of the city, in an amusement park Sunnyland, v Youth theater, to the thermal riviera Ilidža

Bucharest, Romania

Bucharest, Romania
Bucharest, Romania

Bucharest is a real gem and the perfect destination for autumn exploration, because it's still there mass tourism does not rule and the beat is therefore more authentic. Among other things, the city is also at the very top of the list the cheapest places in Europe.

When you're there, don't forget to check out theirs graceful parliament, revolution square, beautiful parks … Be sure to check out the bear sanctuary Liberty Bear Sanctuary, roam Dracula's castle Protected, visit the History Center Sighisoara or a mysterious place Sarmizegetus Regia.

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