
Premiere: The Immigrant, a mysterious romantic drama

Mysterious romantic drama The Immigrant (USA, 2013)

Immigrant continues to explore the social themes that are the central driving force behind James Gray's work, particularly the experience of emigration linked to his Russian Jewish roots and heritage.

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Coliseum and Cineplexx
Facebook event
Entrance fee
4,25 € - 4,95 €

It is written the year 1921. Longing for a new beginning and the American dream Eva Sibulski and her sister Magda embarked on a ship for New York and leave their homeland Poland. When emigrants are disembarked and put on Ellis Island, the doctors discover that it is Magda sick and separate the sisters. Eve it is left to the dangerous and greedy New York streets, Magda and put her in quarantine and threaten to deport her. Completely alone, without help from anyone and in a strong desire to unite with Magda, Eve he quickly falls easy prey to the charming but the corrupt Bruno, which forces her to prostitution. With the advent of brilliant handball player and illusionist Orlando, Bruno's cousin, Eve regains self-confidence and hopes for a brighter future, but does not think about his misfortune because of Bruno's violent jealousy.

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Mystery romantic drama
An immigrant
(The Immigrant, USA, 2013)
Directed by: James Gray. They play: Marion Cotillard, Joaquin Phoenix, Jeremy Renner, Dagmara Dominczyk, Angela Sarafyan, Glenn Fleshler, Gabriel Rush, Antoni Corone, Ilia Volok, DeeDee Luxe, Francine Daveta.

27.2., Colosseum & Cineplexx

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