
Premiere: modern drama Teror in Prešeren's theater Kranj

Terror is currently the most staged work both on European stages and around the world, as it is shown in more than forty theaters, and in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, viewers could also watch a film based on the drama of the same name on their TV sets in September, and after the end of the film, they voted live on the pilot's guilt or innocence and thus decided on its outcome. The drama and its numerous productions experienced a real media boom due to the current terrorist theme, and its author became a media star. In Prešeren's theater in Kranj, you will be able to see the play for the first time on December 3 at 7:30 p.m., directed by Eduard Miler.

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Prešeren's theater Kranj
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The drama takes place in the courtroom in which they are next door military pilot Lars Koch (accused of the death of 164 passengers on the plane) also president of the court, defender, public prosecutor and two witnesses and of course also the spectators, who have to take over this time role of jurors. They are the ones who vote to decide on the pilot's guilt or innocence. During the trial against the pilot Lars Koch, it turns out that it was at his own discretion decided on a smaller number of victims at the expense of a larger number at the football stadium, which of course raises ethical questions: How much does an individual's life actually count? Is it better to shoot down a plane with 164 passengers to avoid the death of 70,000 people in a football stadium? Would a pilot shoot down a plane even if his family was on board? The dilemma raised by the drama and its performances is the ethical dilemma of "impossible decisions", how to make decisions in extreme cases of terrorist actions.

Terror performed by Theater Winterthur.
Terror performed by Theater Winterthur.

Ferdinand von Schirach is a well-known Berlin lawyer specializing in criminal law and representing many politicians, businessmen, influential entrepreneurs and also ordinary mortals. He entered the literary scene in a big way in 2009, in his 45th year, when his work was first published Crimes (Verbrechen), which we also have in a Slovenian translation, and a year later with a work Guilt (Schuld). Both books became huge hits. He later published a collection of stories, two novels and a collection of essays: among others, a novel Taboo (which landed in first place on Time magazine's list) and in 2014 the drama Terror.

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