
Prestigious wireless HI-FI headphones spice up Maserati's prestigious offer

At Bowers & Wilkins, in cooperation with the supplier of luxury sports cars Maserati, they designed the prestigious P5Maserati wireless HI-FI headphones.

In prestigious wireless HI-FI headphones P5 Massage we fall in love at first sight. It is noticeable that a great deal of effort was put into their precise design. Clad in elegant leather, deep blue and decorated with Maserati's legendary protective emblem, they captivate every lover of modern technology, music and, of course, the exceptional brand of sports cars. The P5Maserati do not just fascinate with their appearance, as they also impress with exceptional sound and maximum sound insulation, which are provided by the inner parts of the headphones lined with fine leather. The headphones also come with a superbly designed feeding box.

READ MORE: Momentum headphones from the renowned manufacturer Sennheiser

Deep Blue Prestige.
Deep Blue Prestige.

P5Maserati headphones certainly do not cast a bad light on the prestigious brand Bowers & Wilkins and Maserati, which traditionally combine quality, performance and design, because we want them so much.

The beautiful design can be checked in the gallery.

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