
Headache prevention tips: prevent a hangover with simple tricks

Photo: envato

During the celebrations, many of you reach for a glass of more. An alcoholic cat can become an unwanted companion the next day. In this article, we show you how to protect yourself from an annoying headache after a party, or how to prevent an alcoholic hangover.

How to prevent an alcoholic hangover? By taking a proactive approach and implementing these strategies before, during, and after a night of fun, you can increase your chances of being woke up fresh and ready for a new day. Remember that it is moderation key and that a thoughtful approach to drinking can contribute to a more enjoyable social experience without headache.

Photo: envato

How to prevent an alcoholic hangover: measures before drinking

Prevent an alcohol hangover by starting your day with by drinking a lot of water, to ensure you start the evening well hydrated. Take turns during social events alcoholic beverages and water, to keep you hydrated. Before drinking, eat a balanced meal that includes carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins. Food in your stomach slows the absorption of alcohol and reduces its impact on your system. Consider taking electrolyte supplements or drinking sports drinks, yes replenish essential minerals, lost during alcohol consumption.

How to prevent an alcoholic hangover: measures to take while drinking

Decide for lighter colored drinks, such as vodka or gin, rather than darker drinks such as whiskey, which tend to have more congeners, contributing to the cat. Set a drinking limit and stick to it. Keep calm and avoid temptation, yes would drink quickly or excessively. All evening eat food to maintain blood sugar levels. Choose snacks high in protein and complex carbohydrates to provide sustained energy. Continue to hydrate by drinking alcoholic beverages replace with water. Stay away caffeinated beverages, as they can contribute to dehydration.

Photo: envato

How to prevent an alcoholic hangover: measures after drinking

Before sleep drink a glass of water, to prevent the dehydrating effects of alcohol and treat yourself a light, nutritious snack, to further stabilize blood sugar levels. Choose foods as they are crackers, fruit or yogurt, to provide a gentle boost of energy. Take over-the-counter medications designed to relieve hangover symptoms, such as pain relievers and rehydration pills. Be careful not to exceed the recommended doses. Take care of good sleep, so that your body will fully recover. The next day avoid additional alcohol consumption, as it can prolong the recovery process.

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