
Priceless reactions: how do people react when they "learn" that they are beautiful?

People's reactions after a stranger tells them they think they're really beautiful

How would you react if someone told you you were beautiful? Would you be surprised? Would you blush? 18-year-old Shea Glover, a college student from Chicago, conducted a social experiment to get the answer. She put people in front of the camera and told them that she was filming things that she thought were beautiful. The reactions are priceless!

We are people nowadays concerned with appearance. We usually only see mistakes in ourselves, so it surprises us all the more, even embarrasses us, if someone tells us, how beautiful we are. This is exactly what the American student did Shea Glover, who captured the moments when she told people she (mostly) didn't know that she was filming them because she thought they were beautiful, caught on "film tape".

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As she said, her intention was not to elicit reactions from people; she said it was just documented the beauty and that the recordings below are a spontaneous result.

People's reactions when they "learn" that they are beautiful:

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