
Priced conquest phrases that met with a brutal response

Accidental catchphrases

Men have different conquest techniques that turn some girls on, others don't. These guys, or rather, freaks, were not successful with their cheap attempts. But the women didn't just reject them, the reaction of some was downright brutal and will convince you to try a little harder the next time you ask a girl out via Tinder, otherwise your ego may suffer a severe blow. Rumor has it that these men's egos are still healing today...

Online dating are a magnet for freaks, but these girls completely mastered them and them with their bright yet brutal responses to their precious catchphrases sent to where they came from.

READ MORE: 44 tips for winning over girls that can come in handy today

If you use Tinder or any other dating app, then you ladies must have come across a man who wasn't shy at all and jumped straight to the (obscene) point. A shortage knowledge of social skills some are so overwhelming that it's sad. See how bright girls online "scored" insolent men and their prized catchphrases and must have left a scar or two on their egos.

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