
Print your own clothes

We've all had that moment when we need a different pair of jeans or a different color shirt for a meeting. But there is simply no time and money to go to the shops.

In the future, there will be no more such worries, because you will have at your disposal 3D clothing printer! Think how "cool" it would be to be able to make dresses in your favorite color, style and perfect size. You would no longer need all the designers and fashion stores because you could create your own dresses from the armchair in your living room.

This amazing idea is the brainchild of an industrial designer Joshua Harris from the USA. Basically, the idea is to wear such clothes for only a day or two, and then return them to the machine, which would recycle the garment back into thread and use it to make new "instant" clothes. Companies like Gape and Uniqlo but I would sell "cartridges" with material instead of ink. The crazy concept reached the semi-finals at the annual Electrolux competition in 2010, where he presented his ideas regarding the rapid urbanization of the population until 2050. So far, there is no answer to the question of whether this project will come to fruition. We certainly hope so.

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