
Raffle: How to ensure your dream greenery throughout the year

There is nothing better than enjoying your home greens. It often turns yellow or slightly brown in the spring, but usually recovers after heavier spring rains. Of course, he also needs our help in this.

The most common problem is the appearance of moss, especially in shady and damp areas, on the north side of houses and in the shadow of hedges. We act by sprinkling it with the agent in the morning, when it is still damp Plantella Against moss. When the moss darkens and dies, we scoop it up and remove it.

Turf has a shallow root system that needs light and draining soil. In order for it to grow thickly, in the spring we remove the old grass with an iron rake, and then use pitchforks to aerate the soil by sticking it into the ground and raising it slightly. The soil is also loosening Plantella Quartz sands, which are sprinkled evenly over the green. Empty places are filled with grass seeds Plantella Contessa, which are coated with nutrients for better initial growth.

A dream lawn with Plantella lawn products.
A dream lawn with Plantella lawn products.

Even a lawn cannot do without nutrients. Nitrogen takes care of the aerial parts, and potassium takes care of the roots. We can use modern fertilizer Plantella Formula 365 for grasses, with which we fertilize only once a year, namely in the spring, and then the nutrients are released all year round and feed the grass. If no rain is forecast, water the lawn after fertilizing.

To make it easier for it to survive the spring and autumn cold and the summer heat, mow the lawn to a height of 4-5 cm. In the spring, we mow at least once a week, and in extremely dry areas we provide irrigation. You can also help with lawn care and maintenance Task calendars for a dream lawn.

Advised by: Vanes Husić, expert agronomist Gaia Club

prize game

Answer the prize question correctly and compete for the following prizes:
1st prize: Package of products Plantella Against moss 5 kg, Plantella Formula 365 for grasses 1 kg and Plantella Contessa 1 kg
2nd prize: Fertilizer Plantella Formula 365 for grasses 1 kg
3rd prize: Grass seed Plantella Contessa 1 kg

Which Plantella products do we use for dream grass?
A) Plantella Organik, Plantella Pine Bark
B) Plantella Against moss, Plantella Formula 365 for grasses, Plantella Contessa
C) Plantella Biovit, Plantella Premium soil for ornamental plants

The winners of the prize game are:
1st prize: Špela Jančigaj
2nd prize: Rok Zemrič
3rd prize: Tajda Reberšek

We sincerely congratulate the winners and wish the rest of us luck in our future sweepstakes.

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