
Prize game: How to get beautiful and healthy tomatoes

Fruits such as tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini are very popular vegetables in our diet, so they should not be missing in the garden either. They need a lot of heat and humidity, because they are very sensitive to diseases, and their health status must be regularly monitored and timely action taken.

It poses the greatest danger to tomatoes tomato mold, which can be recognized by the yellowish spots on the leaves closest to the ground. The spots gradually turn brown, a moldy coating forms on them in humid weather, and later they turn black and take on a watery appearance. Dark spots can also appear on the stems, and in humid late summer or autumn, tomato mold can also infect the fruit, which makes it inedible.

Cucumbers and zucchini are often infected in the middle of summer cucumber mold, which can be recognized by the yellow spots between the veins, which give the leaves a mosaic appearance. The leaves later turn brown, dry and fall apart, resulting in yield loss very early in the season.

We use a natural agent against mold on fruit trees Bio Plantella Vital for tomatoes from horsetail, with which we spray the plants after every heavy rain, as diseases spread fastest in a moist and warm environment.

In the case of fruit trees, we must not forget the black rot around the fruit fly, which is most often seen on tomatoes. We act against it by preventive spraying with the agent Bio Plantella Calcium for tomatoes, which is used for the first time after the first flowering, and then repeated every 2 to 3 weeks. Fruiting bodies can also be watered with the product.

It can help us identify diseases (and pests). SOS diagnostic online application, which leads us step by step from the problem to the solution.

Advised by: Vanes Husić, expert agronomist Gaia Club

prize game

Answer the prize question correctly and compete for the following prizes:
1st prize: product package Bio Plantella Nutrivit for tomatoes 1 kg, Bio Plantella Vital for tomatoes 500 ml, Bio Plantella Calcium for tomatoes 500 ml
2nd prize: Bio Plantella Vital for tomatoes 500 ml
3rd prize: Bio Plantella Calcium for tomatoes 500 ml

Which online application of the Gaia Club helps to identify diseases on fruiting bodies? (see the text above for a hint)
A) First aid
B) SOS diagnostician
C) Plants call for help

The winners of the prize game are:
1st prize: Franc Lekše
2nd prize: Zdenka Lončar
3rd prize: Marija Pezdir

We sincerely congratulate the winners and wish the rest of us luck in our future sweepstakes.

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