
Products with a completely useless design

The mission of most industrial designers is to create a functional product, so the main part of the creation process is subordinated to its usability. But not everyone is obsessed with it and not everyone strives for the product to be as useful as a Swiss army knife. Among them is the architect and 3D modeler Katerina Kamprani, who created a series of products called "The Uncomfortable", which one by one failed the utility test.

In a world where everyone is looking for the most optimal solutions, it is Katerina Kamprani from Athens did the real 'aten-tat' on functionality. She looked for a non-optimal solution to the problem and thus made otherwise useful products impotent or unable to perform their basic functions.

Self-sufficient watering can.
Self-sufficient watering can.

READ MORE: Morpholio Board, an app for interior designers and furniture lovers

They are only 'useful' if viewed as works of art or installations rather than everyday gadgets… that is, if you desperately want to justify their existence and attach utility to them.

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