
Professional Mistress: Why Men Cheat and the Secret Recipe for a Happy Marriage

Tips from professional mistresses on how to keep a partner faithful

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Photo: Pexels / Luana Freitas

A self-proclaimed professional lover who exclusively dates married men shares her tips on how to prevent your partner from seeking an affair. He claims that fulfilling a partner's sexual fantasies is the key to their fidelity.

Charlotte Adams, a 33-year-old professional sweetheart from North Carolina, has been making headlines with her controversial advice on how to keep a partner faithful. Adams, who only dates married men, claims that fulfilling your partner's sexual fantasies is the key to maintaining a happy and committed relationship.

In an interview with The Modern Woman Magazine, Adams revealed that she often hears the same complaints from her married lovers and believes there are ways to prevent extramarital fence-hopping. The former teacher believes that bringing more excitement into the bedroom, whether by watching porn together or getting ready for cosmetic surgery, can help satisfy shared desires and keep the relationship strong.

"Your partner will stay with you if you fulfill his sexual fantasies, I guarantee it," Adams said. "Regularly pleasing your partner is key."

Professional Mistress / Professional Mistress
Photo: Pexels / Luana Freitas

To keep the spark alive, Adams recommends that you watch pornography together, that you are ready to enlarge your breasts, change your hair color and wear something unusual. "Be sexy in public. Men love confidence, so show what you've got," he advises. Role playing, dressing up in costumes and sex in public places are also among her suggestions for keeping it fresh and exciting.

"Be bold and exciting and never be afraid to publicly show your affection to your partner. Discover his fantasies and you will keep them forever. Men watch porn for a reason. If they look a little bit like their personal porn stars, they'll win, not run away," explains Adams.

In addition to fulfilling sexual fantasies, Adams encourages also sharing phone passwords and maintaining open communication, when it comes to finances. He says that the men he sees often have common complaints about their partners, such as that their wives no longer want to have sex, that intimacy in their relationships is being destroyed by children, or that their wives are boring and don't have time for them.

“Men always trust me and 100 % of the time this is one of those reasons. The worst offenses in a relationship that drive a partner to cheat are a lack of communication, excitement and fun in the bedroom. "Partners who don't communicate that their sexual fantasies often feel withdrawn when they should be excited," shares Adams.

She advises couples to always make time for each other, no matter how busy life gets, and not to be afraid to relax in the bedroom or even "inviting a third party to help spice things up."

Photo: Pexels / Luana Freitas

Trust, the ability to step out of your sexual comfort zone, and open communication will result in a happy, healthy marriage, with a little porn thrown in for good measure. According to Adams, one of the main reasons men cheat is the most obvious: sex. And if this is the case, he openly says that the woman in the relationship is "to blame" for not providing and maintaining pleasure in the bedroom.

"Men who cheat are more exciting in bed, mostly because they haven't been satisfied in years and are willing to do whatever it takes to turn me on," Adams explains in her interview with The Modern Woman Magazine.

Although Adams' advice may be provocative, it raises important questions about the role of sexual fantasies and communication in maintaining a healthy, long-term relationship. The research carried out by dr. Justin Lehmiller, social psychologist and author of Tell Me What You Want, supports the idea that communication about sexual fantasies can lead to greater satisfaction in a relationship.

In a study involving more than 4,000 Americans, Dr. Lehmiller found that individuals who were more open about their fantasies with their partners reported higher levels of satisfaction and trust in their relationships. In addition, couples who fulfilled their fantasies together were even more satisfied with their relationships.

While Adams' approach may not resonate with everyone, her emphasis on open communication and collaborative exploration of sexual fantasies is supported by research. Ultimately, fostering an environment of trust, open communication, and mutual sexual exploration may be the key to a happy, faithful relationship.

Who is a professional mistress?

A professional mistress is a woman who engages in romantic or sexual relations with married men, often for personal or financial gain. These relationships are usually maintained alongside the man's primary relationship or marriage, and the mistress may be aware of the man's marital status. In some cases, a professional mistress may receive gifts, financial support, or other benefits from married men with whom she is involved. Although the term “professional” may suggest that it is a formal profession, it is not a recognized or regulated profession. Rather, it is a term used colloquially to describe the nature of relationships and the fact that the mistress may receive some form of compensation for her involvement in the relationship itself.

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