
Proof that children can fall asleep anywhere and anytime

Children fall asleep everywhere.

Children can fall asleep anywhere and anytime. Except when necessary. This is in kindergarten after lunch and at home in the evening, parents and educators would remark. In an ideal world, the evening routine of parents of young children is as follows. Brushing teeth, changing into pajamas, reading a fairy tale or singing a lullaby, a kiss on the forehead, turning off the lights and closing the door to the children's room. In the real world, the story is a little different, because we do not put a full stop here, because this is just the introduction. Many children refuse to sleep. But even children sometimes run out of energy, and not just at the end of the day. They don't mind if they eat a piece of bread, a shell or Lego blocks.

Unlike an adult, toddlers view sleep as a kind of punishment. Why sleep when there are so many interesting things to do!? And it is not uncommon for a child to play just when it is time to sleep. But the fact is that young children experience the same sleep cycles as adults, but theirs are shorter and more numerous. That is why it happens that they succumb to fatigue right in the middle of the day.

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Either a short night, a long trip or a combination of other circumstances is to blame. The kid doesn't care. They they can fall asleep anywhere and anytime. Even if they are in the middle of pooping or peeing, eating lunch, watching TV or walking up the stairs. When they call from the land of Nija, you have to go.

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