
Proper defrosting of meat: how to properly defrost meat?

Proper defrosting of meat: how to properly defrost meat?

If you are one of those housewives who defrost meat right on the kitchen counter at room temperature, it is time to give up this dangerous habit if you do not want to harm your health. How to properly defrost meat?

If you defrost meat as described above, we have bad news for you - it's not the correct way to defrost meat and it's supposed to be the worst thing you can do for yourself health, experts say.

Meat resting at room temperature should be susceptible to bacteria, which are further transferred to yours hands, then some more kitchen towels and container, which supposedly can cause diseases.

If the meat defrost in the microwave, and bacteria should multiply much faster due to favorable temperature conditions, but at the same time the structure of the meat will be destroyed, because the ice does not melt evenly, which can result also affect the taste.

Meat should not be thawed at room temperature.
Meat should not be thawed at room temperature.

WHAT TO DO? It is best that in the evening, before the new day begins, move the meat from the freezer to the refrigerator. That's how meat is ready to cook the next day.

There is also a faster method of defrosting. Meat place in a plastic bag, tie it well and place it in a container with cold water. It is important that the meat not in direct contact with water.

Meat should not be in direct contact with water while it is defrosting!
Meat should not be in direct contact with water while it is defrosting!

You might not know, but you shouldn't have to defrost meat if you're ever pressed for time. It should be enough that Mr season it and transfer to the oven or him you cook. It differs from the correct defrosting process only in that it will be heat treated lasted for a long time. This method of defrosting is best if you are preparing dishes that they cook for a long time, such as goulash.

But don't let this become your habit! Health comes first!

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