
Proven: How to raise dopamine levels in your body to keep you happy all the time?

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of feeling happy.

Dopamine is one of the most important hormones responsible for whether we feel good or not. When dopamine levels are low, we feel sad, and when dopamine levels are high, we feel good and happy. Fortunately, they exist completely natural ways to increase dopamine levels in the body. Proven to work!

Here are 10 natural ways techniques that will bring you happiness, good health and good looks!

1. Exercise

Every one physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, dopamine and serotonin (hormones of happiness). Regular exercise can help you get rid of stress, frustration and chronic fatigue. You should enjoy the exercise.

2. Detoxification

Accumulated bacteria and toxins in the body weaken the immune system and reduce dopamine production. Make an effort and try to cleanse your body regularly - this way you will be healthier and feel much better.

3. Avoid addiction

Because of cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, etc. you may really feel good, but the effect is very short-lived. These habits can get you into serious trouble after a while, so enjoy some other little things instead.

Fortune favors the brave. (Vergil)

4. Listen to music

One of the easiest ways to instantly boost your mood and get your body to start producing good hormones is to listening to your favorite music. Just a few minutes of listening can restore your good mood and optimism.

5. Meet more often (virtually) with friends

One of the easiest ways to boost your dopamine levels is to (virtually) hang out with friends and family. Even if you are a closed person by nature, meeting and talking with a loved one will make a difference in how you feel.

6. Be creative

Creative activities significantly increase dopamine levels in the brain. This does not mean that you have to become a world-famous painter - try to make some kind of decoration, cook, change the arrangement of furniture in the apartment, etc. You will feel great.

Fighting for happiness is happiness! (Triolet)

7. Raise Tyrosine

Tyrosine is one of the most important chemical substances in the human body, which serves for the synthesis of dopamine. If you want to increase your tyrosine levels, eat foods rich in this substance, and by the way, you will get rid of stress and be in a much better mood. Almonds, avocados, bananas, watermelon, green tea and dark chocolate are excellent sources of tyrosine.

8. Meditate or pray

It has been scientifically proven that meditation  and prayer raise dopamine levels in a completely different way than physical activity. When you are completely relaxed, the body releases more mental energy, which significantly affects the production of happiness hormones.

9. Make a list of goals

Setting daily goals and writing them down on paper that you place in a visible place is a great method to improve your mood. Plus, it's a good way to remember something. When you do anything from this list, cross off the task and you will see your mood skyrocket, especially if you accomplished something important and difficult.

People miss their piece of happiness, not because they never find it, but because they don't stop to consume it. (William Feather)

10. Get enough sleep

When we sleep, our body starts producing hormones and substances that can raise dopamine levels. In addition, a peaceful and long enough sleep is a special kind of happiness in itself!

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