
Proven! Those who use turn signals are smarter than those who don't

Using a turn signal is a matter of intelligence.

Did you know that using turn signals, like turn signals, is a matter of intelligence? According to a study by the University of Göttingen in Germany, those who use them are smarter. Why, we release below.

It also annoys you when drivers do not use turn signals? Scientists with University of Göttingen came to an interesting conclusion regarding the (non)use of turn signals, which will surprise many people and forever change their view of drivers who do not use them. The use of direction indicators is namely a matter of intelligence, non-use, not so much vanity or not following the rules.

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For some, using a turn signal is too intellectually demanding a task.
For some, using a turn signal is too intellectually demanding a task.

They are in research German experts wanted to find out whether certain processes during driving are one way or another related to driver intelligence. The driver has to process while driving a bunch of data from the surrounding area and the brains of many because of it running out of space for processing basic functions, which also includes directions. It turned out to be 40 percent of drivers they wouldn't use blinkers, but not because they're lazy or because they think so simply redundant. Their brains simply they cannot do so much work at once, as they are too busy with other tasks and simply do not have the capacity to remember to turn on the turn signal. In computer jargon, they have insufficient RAM to perform this function.

(Not) using the blinker has a deeper meaning.
(Not) using the blinker has a deeper meaning.

But the scientists dug even deeper and invited drivers who don't use turn signals to intelligence test. This confirmed their findings. Of these 40 percent of drivers who do not use the left hand lever, there are 62 percent scored on average on the test 21 points less than the average. So the next time you get upset with someone who didn't turn on their turn signal and call them primitive, give yourself a pat on the back and say you're smarter from it instead of covering it with expletives. Believe me, it will be a much better job.

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