
Psychological Test: How Confident Are You Really?

How is your self-confidence?

Photo: envato

Self-confidence is the key to happiness and success. A self-confident person navigates many life situations more easily, makes decisions, leaves the comfort zone and fights for his dreams.

We are not born with self-confidence, we have to work on it throughout our lives.

Take the test and find out how confident you really are:

1. When you arrive at a party, you hear someone say, “You look amazing today!” Think to yourself:
a) Does this mean I usually look terrible?
b) Of course!
c) Is this even true?
d) How should I return the compliment?

2. Your request to become a member of an organization or group has been declined. you:
a) You are offended
b) You feel rejected
d) you wonder why they answered you in the first place


3. You notice a friend at a party, but every time you try to catch his eye, he looks away. Think to yourself:
a) How unpleasant
b) Mii is avoided
c) He probably didn't notice me
d) How rude

4. Your partner surprised you with a bouquet of flowers. You mean:
a) How nice
b) He doesn't do it often enough
c) Does he want to end the relationship
d) He loves me


5. Someone contacts you with a job offer. you:
a) You are afraid that too much will be expected of you
b) You already know in advance that nothing will come of it
c) Feel proud
d) You ask for more detailed information

6. In the middle of a conversation with your friend, you have a clear feeling that he/she is not listening to you. you:
a) You are furious that he is behaving this way towards you
b) Are you thinking, did you upset her in some way?
c) You ask what worries her
d) you think she is boring


7. Your partner decides to spend the evening with friends instead of keeping you company at the work party.
a) This is the right decision, your evening will be much more interesting
b) Friends are more important to you
c) Is there a good reason for this?
d) Of course, it would be boring for you!

8. After talking to a new acquaintance at a party, invite him to meet for coffee sometime. But he doesn't show much enthusiasm:
a) You continue the conversation
b) We could return the kindness, ugly
c) You expected this, you are used to rejection
d) You feel uncomfortable


9. Despite your merits, bosses are in no rush to promote you. you:
a) You are worried that you will soon lose your job
b) Start looking for a company that will appreciate your merits
c) You doubt your competence
d) You are wondering what you still need to do in order to progress

10. You ran into an old acquaintance on the street. He says: "How happy I am!" Do you think:
a) Of course, why, everyone loves me
b) Very condescending of him
c) How nice of him to say that
d) Just kidding


Most answers under A and D

Deep down, you have a very low opinion of yourself and expect others to be equally critical, so you are prepared in advance for possible rejection and failure. Since you often feel out of place in society, parties and crowds can be a real challenge for you.

This hypersensitivity can cause you to interpret even positive feedback about yourself as negative. The slightest sign of disapproval or neglect and you're ready to sink into the ground in frustration. Challenge your negative expectations! When you think someone is treating you badly, don't take it personally.

Most answers under B

You are very confident. You see social events primarily as an opportunity to be the center of attention. Your interest in people depends on how useful they can be to you. Because you feel like a unique and interesting person, you believe that others should be interested in getting to know you. On those rare occasions when, when meeting new people, instead of admiration, you encounter only reserved politeness, you attribute it to the shortcomings of the interlocutor.


But relationships aren't just opportunities that open up to you. Instead of competing with other people and seeing them only as a source of favors, you can enjoy who those people are at their core. Perhaps we shouldn't jump to such conclusions. Sometimes it's better to give than to receive.

Most answers under C

You have healthy self-esteem, you feel your importance and acceptance by the people around you. For you, an invitation to a noisy party is a great opportunity to have fun with friends and meet new people. Easily integrate into different social circles.

Of course, we all rely on the opinions of others to some extent, but with confidence as strong as yours, it doesn't turn into an all-or-nothing game. The opinion of those closest to you is very important. When you hear criticism of any kind from those you really care about, you're more likely to take it as practical advice rather than a personal insult.

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