
Pumpkin ravioli with shrimps and sun-dried tomatoes

Pumpkin ravioli with shrimps and sun-dried tomatoes

Every month we will prepare six new and interesting recipes, so follow us diligently and participate in the Jamnica prize game.

Ingridients: pumpkin, gambari, sun-dried tomatoes, tomato base, salt, pepper, garlic, white wine, parsley, soup base, grana padano or parmesan cheese.

Preparation: Ravioli is prepared according to the recipe for noodle dough. For the pumpkin filling in the ravioli, first roast the pumpkin in the oven so that it is as dry as possible. Then we mix it so that we get a slurry. For a better binding of the porridge, add a little cottage cheese and salt it. The noodle dough is then rolled into a strip and cut into rectangles. Put the filling on one half and cover it with the other half. Then press the dough together with your fingers or a fork. Cook the ravioli in boiling, salted water for 5 to 6 minutes. Prepare the sauce with shrimps and dried tomatoes in hot olive oil. Fry the gambere, add salt, pepper, wine, parsley and tomato base. Pour in the soup base, boil. At the end, add the dried tomatoes. Add the pumpkin ravioli to the prepared sauce, just enough to absorb the sauce itself. Let's serve.

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