
Purse as a magnet for wealth: If you carry these things with you, then you repel wealth!

The bag is more than just a place for lipstick!

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Photo: Pexels / Godisable Jacob

Enter the magical world of Feng Shui, where every item you carry in your purse is not just a fashion accessory, but can play a vital role in your financial destiny. Yes, you read that right – your purse can be your personal money magnet!

Repelling a fortune with the items in your purse?! Did you know that your purse can become a powerful symbol and tool for attracting wealth? Yes, you read that right! There's more to your purse than just keys and lipstick. Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of balancing energy, reveals how, with a few simple tricks, you can turn your ordinary purse into a powerful magnet for money and wealth.

Think for a moment: What do you carry in your purse? Maybe it's full of old bills, crumpled notes and extra cards? It's time to change that! In the following, we will reveal to you how you can open the door to abundance and wealth with small changes and the right arrangement of your purse. Get ready to dive into the world of Feng Shui and discover how simple items in your purse can affect your financial future.

Photo: Pexels / Adrian Frentescu

Don't miss these valuable tips that can help you attract prosperity and harmony into your life!

How does Tobica take on the role of your financial guru? And how not to repel wealth!

Cleaning as a ritual of abundance

Let's start cleaning. Check what's hidden in your bag. Old bills? Extra cards? Unnecessary documents? Replace these relics of the past with a vision of the future. We're serious, cleaning your purse is like cleaning your soul – free yourself of ballast and make room for abundance.

Wallet: Your financial throne

Let your wallet be like a royal throne for your bills. Don't let your money roll around in your purse like a lost tourist. A regularly organized wallet is like a personal statement: "I respect my money and I expect it to treat me with respect."

Attention, negative energy vampires!

Pay attention to those small objects that play the role of energy vampires in your bag. Broken lipsticks, old bills, souvenirs that bring back bad memories? Away with them! These things are not only useless, they are real energy thieves.

you repel wealth
Photo: Pexels / Mart Production

The color palette of your wealth

Colors play an important role in Feng Shui. Therefore, your bag or accessories should be colored in shades such as gold, red, blue and green - the colors of wealth and success. A red wallet is not only a fashion statement, but also a symbol of abundance.

Crystals and plants: your allies in abundance

Consider adding crystals or a small plant to your purse. Not only are these accessories visually appealing, but they serve as symbols of growth and abundance. Every time you touch your purse, let it remind you of the abundance coming your way.

Regular energy cleansing: a secret we must not forget

Don't forget to regularly clean and fill the bag with energy. This is not only practical but also metaphysical. Incense, essential oils, or energy crystals are not only for your home, they are like a spa treatment for your purse.

A handbag as your personal Feng Shui master
Trust the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui and turn your purse into a powerful magnet for money and wealth. Be open to change and let your purse guide you down the path of financial success and abundance! No you repel wealth!

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