
They push themselves beyond their limits: 4 astrological signs that are the hardest on themselves

"A great man makes strict demands on himself, a small man makes them on others." - Confucius

Self-love is rarely spontaneous and natural. Learn and conquer it by getting to know yourself. Some manage to forgive, accept their imperfections and relinquish control, but others find it very difficult.

Which astrological signs are not self-indulgent?

A virgin

As much as Virgos are critical of others, they are twice as critical of themselves. As much as they try to be careful and avoid trouble, they are equally adept at finding trouble where it wouldn't exist if they hadn't created it themselves. They have unrealistically high standards, and when they don't meet them, they feel guilty, insecure and lack control.

If you have a Virgo in your life, reassure her that what is out of her control is not an expression of her helplessness, but that this is just the way things in life work. Encourage her by reminding her of her successes and achievements and reminding her that sometimes she needs to slow down and rest.

Virgos have unrealistically high standards for themselves as well.


Like Virgos, Capricorns like to control everything around them. They are very hardworking and disciplined, but often burn themselves out and push themselves beyond their capabilities. It is not enough for them to lead in one area of life and achieve success, they want to be successful in everything, if they are not, they will not have a good opinion of themselves. They are often pessimistic, because in this way they avoid disappointment, although this attitude often leads them to look negatively at themselves, as well as at the good things that happen to them.

You will encourage a Capricorn by telling him what you like about him, which is not necessarily related to his successes. He won't ask you for help, but you need to remind him regularly that you are there for him and that he can count on you. Remind him that he is much more than his success.


Scorpio is closed and difficult to trust. He likes to think that he depends only on himself, but his lack of trust in others is often reflected as a lack of trust in himself. Scorpio will be generous to others and will go where help is needed, be a hero, but not treat himself that way. And while others admire and praise him, Scorpio keeps his wall of inaccessibility in front of him and does not believe that anyone will love him if he really gets to know him.

You need a lot of patience and tenderness for a Scorpio. He will need all your reassurances, evidence and time to open up and relax. So encourage him when he opens up, show him that vulnerability is necessary and welcome so you can connect with yourself and others. Remind him regularly how much you care about him.

While others admire and praise him, Scorpio does not believe that anyone will love him if he really gets to know him.


They tend to be available and meet the needs of literally everyone. On the other hand, they completely neglect themselves. Their problems, wants and needs are not that important compared to what everyone else has. Pisces will also be anxious at times because they fear that their presence will burden you. Pisces often find their value only in serving others and fulfilling their wishes, expectations and needs - this is proof for them that they are needed and important.

Help them feel important and boost their self-esteem. To do this, you need to be careful, sensitive and listen and notice the signals they are sending - if they are having a bad day and feel bad, encourage them to trust you. Pisces will deny that something is wrong, but let them know you're on their side so they can see and feel it. Ask them to let you support them. With a lot of tenderness and kindness, the fish will strengthen their self-confidence and will be able to relax.

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