
Put the aluminum foil in the washing machine and you will no longer need to iron your laundry!

The trick to perfect clothes without hours of ironing

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Photo: envato

Are your clothes wrinkled? Do you want to save time and effort on ironing and at the same time keep your clothes looking flawless? We have a trick for you that helps you avoid ironing your laundry.

Have you ever dreamed of a time when you could wear clothes from washing machine taken, perfectly fresh, impeccably ironed and ready to wear? In short, yes laundry does not need to be ironed.

Imagine being able to achieve this result without the lengthy ironing, without waiting for drying, all using a simple trick. In the ever-fast-paced world of life, any time-saving method is welcome, especially when it comes to clothing maintenance.

laundry does not need to be ironed
Photo: envato

This trick is not just a dream, but a reality - laundry does not need to be ironed

After using this simple but extremely effective trick, the clothes will be clean, freshly ironed and ready to wear without reaching for the iron.

This innovative solution has become the right one a hit on social networks, representing a great way for all those who want to avoid hours of ironing and at the same time keep their clothes looking flawless.

Implementation is extremely simple

You only need a few pieces aluminum foil, which you roll into small balls, the size of tennis balls. Once you've prepared these balls, simply place them in the drum of your washing machine along with the clothes you want to wash.

If you want to achieve the same effect while drying clothes, you can also insert balls of foil in Dryer.

While the washing machine is spinning and doing its job, balls of foil will do wonders. Aluminum foil will act as natural emollient, which will add exceptional softness to clothes, reduce wrinkles and prevent the accumulation of static electricity in the machine.

laundry does not need to be ironed
Photo: envato

The result?

Your clothes will be free of unpleasant electrical charges, pleasantly soft to the touch and look like you just ironed them.

With this trick you will save valuable time, which would otherwise be spent on hours and hours of ironing.

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