
Put sugar in the vase and the tulips will be blooming and fresh for at least 10 days

Photo: envato

Tulips stand out for their vibrant colors, making them a popular choice for home decor. However, their beauty is often fleeting, leaving many wondering how to prolong the life of these precious flowers. Interestingly, the secret to keeping tulips vibrant for a long time lies in simple homemade ingredients. In this article, we reveal some simple solutions to ensure that your tulips in a vase stay fresh for a long time.

With this method they will tulips in a vase stay fresh longer. Next time you bring home a bunch of these popular ones spring flowers, remember that you can with just a few common kitchen ingredients you enjoy their shine for days.

Tulips will stay fresh longer if you add sugar to the water. Photo: secret/Pexels

Tulips in a vase: Add one of these ingredients

1. Add sugar

A spoonful of sugar gives the tulips the energy they need. If you dissolve a teaspoon in water in a vase with tulips sugar, acts as native plant food and mimics nutrients, which tulips would normally absorb from the soil. With this simple trick, you can extend the blooming time and vitality of your flowers.

2. Sugar and apple cider vinegar

The combination of sugar and apple cider vinegar in a vase creates an environment that is not only nutritious, but also functional antibacterial. Mix a teaspoon of sugar with a few drops of apple cider vinegar in a vase of water. This mixture not only nourishes your tulips, but also keeps the water clean and free of harmful bacteria that could shorten the life of your flowers.

3. Add the copper coin

Copper acts as a natural fungicide that prevents bacterial growth in water, which can cause faster wilting. Make sure the coin is clean and place it in the bottom of the vase before adding your flowers and water.

4. Lemon juice

The acidic nature of lemon juice helps keep water fresh and clean and reduces bacterial growth. Additionally, the slight acidity can help the water move around more easily tulip stem, which ensures that the flowers received are sufficient amount of moisture. Mix drops of lemon juice with a teaspoon of sugar and add it to the water. Your tulips will be the healthy environment they need to thrive.

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