
Qubik Caffè – a new salon for lovers of excellent coffee in the center of Ljubljana

The Qubik Caffè sales and exhibition hall has opened its doors in the arcade of Ljubljana's Maximarket. It is a brand of excellent coffee that is created by a small and driven team of Slovenians from Zameje in their own roastery near Trieste. The company, which already supplies over 100 of the best cafes and restaurants in the region with its products, emphasized at the opening that they strive for perfection in the entire process of roasting coffee, and announced a series of new products for home environments and offices.

In the salon Qubik Caffè random visitors and representatives of companies, bars and restaurants will have access to top experts, connoisseurs of coffee, and a full range of products, which includes a wide range of products for cafes, bars and restaurants. Anyone wishing to gain in-depth knowledge about coffee and its preparation will be able to take part in various training courses. In line with the company's vision, the opening of the salon outlined an ambitious expansion into many markets, and Slovenia is one of the key ones.

Qubik Caffè coffee is recognized and appreciated in gourmet circles, among coffee connoisseurs, due to its superior quality. It is present in many cafes, bars and restaurants both in Italy and Slovenia, and recently it has also been recognized as the concept of excellent coffee in many other European countries. In Slovenia, for example, Qubik Caffè is available in the Dam restaurant with a Michelin star, in several restaurants that have received other Michelin awards, and in many excellent cafes. Owners and managers of cafes, bars and restaurants can thus offer a range of different types of coffee products. From 100% Arabica, which is Qubik's flagship aromatic Arabica and Robusta blend from the collection Italian Breakfast to coffee from Guatemala, Ethiopia and India.

Igor Kobal, director of Qubikcaffe // Photo: Anže Krže, Mediaspeed.net

The company also focuses on end-users for whom they have dedicated high-end coffee machines, and instead of plastic capsules, despite the fact that they have them on offer, the company focuses on the use of compatible 7-gram coffee pods, which are possible after use recycle or they are completely degradable. The coffee mixture in the pads is exactly the same as the one in the cafe, so fans of excellent coffee can prepare their favorite drink right at home. For fans of coffee preparation in the so-called cafeteria, it is available several types of coffee flour mixes - specially ground coffee for preparation right in the cafeteria. The company places great emphasis on the design of all its products, which is why they work with renowned graphic and industrial designers.

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Qubik Cafe

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