
Rage Room - a rage room where you can smash things to your heart's content

Rage Room

People cope with stress in various ways (sports, drinks, movies, etc.), but there are also many relaxation methods. Everything is fine and correct. But sometimes, in a fit of rage, disappointment or frustration, we would rather break something. You know, like they vehemently do in the movies. But such relaxation can be expensive and you may regret it later. Not anymore. Here is the Rage Room, a room of rage, where you can smash things to your heart's content without a guilty conscience.

There are different ones relaxation techniques, which teach you how to manage stress and how to reduce the stress of everyday life on the mind and body. Meditation, visualization, scalp massage, breathing, muscle relaxation, autogenic relaxation, laughing,... However, we are probably not the only ones who have ever used one of the mentioned methods accounted for with zero fault and debt objects, who were in the wrong place at the wrong place.

READ MORE: Are we addicted to stress?

Breaking things and watching them fall apart can be a lot therapeutic experience, but also dear. We usually regret doing this later. Not only did we have to clean up after ourselves, it also cost us a precious memory, and certainly euros. Well, now you can you smash at will and without a bad conscience. In Toronto you opened it "Rage Room" or a rage room where you can for 20 Canadian dollars hover over the various items you choose from "Smash" menu. You can see how it works in practice in the video.

Rage Room in Toronto where they let you smash glasses, chairs, boxes, plates, etc.
Rage Room in Toronto where they let you smash glasses, chairs, boxes, plates, etc.

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