
Raise your legs in this pose for 10 minutes a day and you will notice the result!

This exercise may seem odd to you, but don't think it's a silly fabrication! This exercise is very beneficial for your health.

This is no ordinary exercise, this is real therapy. Similar to yoga, which aims to establish a connection between body and spirit, it is also very beneficial for circulation.

Don't be afraid to try something new. This exercise will not affect your figure, nor will it make your legs look better, but it will help you get fit felt better - both physically and mentally, which is also very important.

5 beneficial effects of this exercise

  • can reduce leg swelling;
  • can eliminate tired legs syndrome;
  • can improve digestion;
  • can relax the nervous system;
  • can contribute to peace of mind.
This exercise can significantly contribute to peace of mind.

Carrying out the exercise

Find a quiet corner and set aside 10 minutes to focus on yourself. You need to provide yourself with conditions that will allow you to close your eyes and rest. Talking on the phone or reading text messages at the same time will not achieve the same effect.

1. Lie on your back, thighs should be 15 to 50 cm away from the wall. Bend your legs at the knees and lean your heels against the wall. If the thighs are at right angles, the rear will be at the right distance from the wall.

2. Straighten your legs and rest the entire surface of your feet against the wall. Do not bend your legs at the knees and relax them.

3. Place a pillow under your head (or back). You should be comfortable. Close your eyes and breathe. Place one palm on your stomach and the other on your heart.

4. Be aware of your breathing. Inhale and count to 2, exhale and count to 4. Stay in this position for 10 minutes with your eyes closed. Breathe and relax.

This exercise puts us in a state of meditation, even though we are not even aware of it. We will feel how body and mind sink into peace and harmony. Over time, you will notice that you get more and more benefits from doing this exercise regularly.

Don't wait and start today! Take a step towards a healthier life!

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