
Ravean: the first heated down jacket that doubles as a charger

Ravean Heated Jacket

The idea of heated jackets is not new, but until now no one has been able to think of it or develop it to the point where we could say 'this is it'. With the arrival of the Ravean heated jacket, which can also be used to charge your smartphone, this has changed. Who says you have to dress like you're on an Arctic expedition when it's bone-chillingly cold? Well, at least not if you're wearing Ravean. The jacket is extremely light, filled with down and equipped with a heating system that warms the chest, back and pockets.

Raven it is heated down jacket, in which you will always be warm, and at the same time you can use it to charge your smartphone. Namely, it hides a lithium-polymer battery, which is capable of charging the phone 5 to 6 times per charge. It is the garment we've been searching for since the Ice Age. Something light and extremely warm and preferably waterproof. All this and more is Ravean, which village warms the chest and back area, and they are also heated pockets. You can control both which part of the body you heat and with what power. The jacket is very durable, you can wash it, and it also comes with a 5-year warranty. In addition, you can think of more heated gloves.

READ MORE: Fall fashion tip: how celebrities wear leather jackets and how you should too

The Ravean Heated Jacket, which is also smartphone charger, you can on Kickstarter consider for (calculated) 150 euros.

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