
Realistic doll faces that will make your skin crawl

Hyperrealistic doll faces

Some artists are so good that their works border on reality. Many dolls are such an example, and one such example is Michael Zajkov, a Russian artist who makes doll faces so realistic they give you goosebumps and nightmares.

Michael Zajkov is a Russian artist who makes taka realistic doll faces, that it's already quite creepy. Watching the process of creating a face will make your skin crawl, and you will mutter to yourself: "Just don't blink, just don't blink..."

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Zajkov graduated from the Kuban State University of Russia in 2009 and worked in a puppet theater between 2010 and 2013. For the first time, he made himself more visible at the exhibition"Art Dolls” in Moscow in 2013. He makes the faces and other parts of the dolls' bodies from polymer clay, it's hair from mohair and hand-painted glass eyes from Germany.

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