
Truly special people: green eyes and red hair - how rare is this combination?

Red hair and green eyes are not exactly a combination you would come across every day and it is considered quite rare. The chances of you or your child having it is based on whether members of your immediate family have it, although the generational combination can also skip.

Red hair or green eyes (or a combination of both) refers to your genes. Your genetic make-up is based on the combination of markers passed down to you by your parents. Although the combination of red hair and green eyes is not common, it is certainly not impossible, especially if it is already present on both sides of your family. Both traits are the result of recessive genes, just like blue eyes or blood type 0.

The genetics behind red hair and green eyes

Although the odds of having red hair and green eyes depend on a variety of factors, it is interesting to look at the genetics behind this combination. Each person's DNA includes 20,000 genes, and only a few of these dictate hair color and eye color. And some are more dominant than others. However, dominant does not necessarily mean more common.

The color of hair, eyes and skin is determined by a pigment called melanin. Genes give instructions for the production of melanin, which determines how much pigment you will have, and thus the color of your hair and eyes. The MCR1 gene dictates whether you will have red hair and is recessive. This means that you have to inherit it from both parents to have the combination of red hair and green eyes. Genes also have variations known as alleles. At least three different genes control eye color, and there can be more than two alleles for each gene. For example, the MCR1 gene is thus available in two “versions”: a red color and another color that is not red.

Some research revealed that it is a genetic combination of red hair and green eyes one of the rarest, with a correlation of -0.14. The combination of red hair and blue eyes is even rarer!

Each person's DNA includes 20,000 genes, and only a few of these dictate hair color and eye color.

Male or female genes?

The combination of red hair and green eyes does not necessarily depend on your gender. Each appearance (hair color and eye color) is "programmed" into your DNA with genes from both parents. However, some research show that they are red hair more common in women than in men.

Where do we find the most people with red hair and green eyes?

Red hair is most often associated with Ireland. However, this does not mean that all Irish people – or anyone with Irish bloodline – will have red hair. In the past, it was also observed in other countries of this region, including Great Britain.

Recessive genes that dictate lighter eye color are the most common in Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden). In this region, we can see more people with green and blue eyes than with brown, which are related to dominant genes, which again does not mean that all Scandinavians have lighter eyes.

From a medical perspective, it doesn't matter where you live that you have the combination of red hair and green eyes. One possible exception is this: if you have a lighter skin tone (which is common with redheads), life could closer to the Equator increased risk of exposure to UV radiation and thus an increased chance of skin cancer.

Red hair is more common in women than in men.

Myths about people with red hair and green eyes

The fact is that this combination is rare. As with any unusual feature, it exists here many myths especially on the internet.

Some of the most common myths about people with red hair and/or green eyes are:

  • reduced tolerance for pain (although there is one study showed that redheads are more sensitive)
  • easier bruising, which is associated with a lighter skin tone, making injuries more noticeable
  • more prone to cancer – research have shown that women with red hair have a higher incidence of cervical, colon, ovarian and uterine cancer
  • people with these traits are quick to anger
  • longer lifespan (for people with green eyes)

You may have heard that redheads require to get the right results increased dose of anesthesia or sedation, which is true. Many studies show that redheads require about 20 percent more sedatives compared to those with other hair colors.

Due to genetic complexity, there is no clear way to determine the chances of your child having red hair and green eyes. The option for red hair is a little easier to determine, but it is very difficult to predict green eyes. The best way to predict a child's genetic makeup is to look at each parent's genes, although you should keep in mind that children with the same parents can have different hair and eye colors. More information can also be obtained from genetic testing.

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