
Recipe: Aromatic mulled wine

Aromatic mulled wine is perfect for cold winter evenings spent in the company of loved ones. Why would you go to the stalls when you can prepare something even better yourself in the shelter of a warm home?

Aromatic mulled wine can be prepared from red or white wine. If we want it to be particularly tasty, we prepare it with better wine and quality fragrant spices.

To prepare aromatic mulled wine we need:

  • 1 liter of wine
  • 0.5 l of water
  • 10 spoons of sugar
  • 15 cloves
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • bag of vanilla sugar
  • an orange
  • lemon
  • white rum (optional)

READ MORE: Mulled wine according to Jamie Oliver's recipe

Mulled wine
Mulled wine


Pour wine and water into a large pot. Add both types of sugar, cinnamon sticks and a peeled orange cut into slices. Sliced, peeled lemons are only added if we are preparing mulled wine from white wine. Cook until boiling and in the meantime stir the aromatic mixture several times. When the sugar melts and the mixture boils, set aside the wine, pour into large glasses and garnish with a few slices of orange or lemon. At the end, the mulled wine can also be refined with aromatic white rum. Cheers!

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