
Recipe: bombastic and simple Nutella brownies

Because we know how hard it is to resist Nutella, we have prepared a simple recipe for Nutella brownies, which can be made with only five ingredients. All you need are bananas, eggs, baking powder, cocoa powder and of course Nutella. Mmmm, we can't wait...

We are sweet again! Here is a really simple recipe for Nutella brownies, for which you only need 5 ingredients and an electric mixer. Ready? Now!

READ MORE: Recipe: Nutellasagna, lasagna with Nutella and pecans

Brownies with Nutella, strawberries and whipped cream
Brownies with Nutella, strawberries and whipped cream

Ingredients for Nutella brownies from five ingredients:

  • 1 ½ cups Nutella
  • 3 bananas
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder

Preparation of Nutella brownies from five ingredients:

Place all ingredients in an electric mixer and blend until smooth. Pour the mass into a rectangular baking dish and bake it at 180 degrees Celsius for 35 minutes. Let it cool down. Cut into rectangles and serve with strawberries and whipped cream. Have a good run!

You can also see the preparation of Nutella brownies in the attached video:

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