
Recipe: Broccoli coffee is very healthy and is becoming more and more popular

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Good news for coffee and healthy eating lovers: now you can combine caffeine and vegetables in one cup! It's broccoli coffee!

What do you think of when you hear "broccoli coffee"? The idea of broccoli coffee originated in Australia, where innovative scientists were experimenting with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle and eating habits. Awareness of the importance of healthy eating and taking care of the body is constantly increasing, but many people still struggle to include enough vegetables in their daily diet.

How to make coffee from broccoli?

You don't need fresh for this drink broccoli, because this is not a smoothie. The vegetables must first be dried and then ground into a fine powder that is added to the coffee. What's more, just two tablespoons of this green powder has the nutritional value to help you get all the necessary nutrients into your body.

In addition to the nutritional values, broccoli coffee has another advantage: it increases the intake of vegetables in the diet, even for those who are not particularly fond of broccoli. Although broccoli is extremely healthy and beneficial, some people do not eat it regularly or even avoid it because they do not like the taste. Broccoli coffee offers an innovative solution, as it can incorporate these healthy components of the vegetable into the diet in a completely new way.

Alternative options

In addition to making coffee from broccoli, broccoli powder can also be used in other dishes and drinks. Adding broccoli powder to smoothies, cereal or avocado puree is a great way to boost the nutritional value of meals and make them even healthier.

You can easily prepare this new coffee trend at home.

Broccoli coffee

  • Servings: 8
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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  • 2 tablespoons of broccoli powder
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 60 ml (2 oz) of espresso


  1. Make your espresso as usual. You can use any coffee, decaffeinated or caffeinated.
  2. Using a small whisk or spoon, stir in the broccoli powder and mix with the espresso until combined. Stir the mixture thoroughly to avoid lumps of broccoli dust.
  3. Steam the milk of your choice. Then mix steamed milk and broccoli espresso.
  4. If you like your drink sweet, add honey or other sweetener and mix well. Serve and enjoy!

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